Monday, 2 February 2015

Live Life (#1)


At the beginning of every year many people decide they need to have some "New Years Resolution." But honestly speaking, how many people have actually accomplished their goals within that year? Many try hard to get to their goal, but halfway down the line, they get tired and they give up. I should know because I have done the absolute same, set myself a goal but got tired and just gave up.

So this year, I'd decided instead of setting myself New Years Resolutions, I decided to create a Bucket List with things that I want to try or just dream of trying and hoping to at least one day in my life accomplish it.

That is where this new feature of mine that I came up with Live Life  has come from. We all want to live life with no regrets, do the things you've always dreamed about doing and what better way is there than having a Bucket List, ticking them off one by one as it is completed.

So number one on my Bucket List is:

Yes, it is to write my own book and hopefully one day get it published. I have a story-line in mind and crazy ideas to go with it. I just need the motivation and the skills to sit down and write it.

So. What's on your Bucket List?

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