When it comes to reviews, number one, I'm not very good at all. Number two, I just don't know what to review. I was on GoodReads, looking through my books on my favorites pile, and I had an idea. These books are on my favorites list for a reason. Why not review these and explain why these books are there? They deserve to be spoken about.
So here is a review, bear in mind once again that my reviewing skills are absolutely blah. oh and just a note, all plots/synopsis are taken from the GoodReads website.
Vain by Fisher Amelie

My Rating: 5/5
Because mine is not the story you read every time you bend back the cover of the latest trend novel. It’s not the “I can do anything, now that I’ve found you/I’m misunderstood but one day you’ll find me irresistible because of it” tale. Why? Because, if I was being honest with you, I’m a complete witch. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a friend using, drug abusing, sex addict from Los Angeles. I’m every girlfriend’s worst nightmare and every boy’s fantasy.
I’m Sophie Price...And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most envied girl to the girl no one wanted around and why I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Review: I don't even know where to begin with this book. Like Forbidden, this was a very hard book to get into, but once I did, I absolutely did not regret it. Hell to the no. This book was amazing. It was not what I had expected. It was an amazing journey and I'm glad I tread down the path.
This book at first, angered me, frustrated me to the extent that I felt like smashing my reader. The main character really is Vain and all you feel like doing is jumping into the book and giving her a slap back into reality. But as the story progressed so did Sophie's character and in such a beautiful way that I will never forget.
Vain, gives you a huge dosage of reality, it hits you right where it hurts. We are so engrossed into this world, caring about materialistic things and about ourselves, that we forget that there are people on the other side of the world that have it ten times worse. We throw away our money away like it is nothing, when there are people who need it more than us. We complain, we cry, we get angry over the smallest of problems when our problems will never level up to the problems that people have in another part of the world.
This book teaches you, the true value of life, teaches you about love, happiness but most importantly faith.
"You may have misery... you may lose hope in the sorrow of an unplanned life but as long as you have faith and trust in adoration, in affection, in love, that sorrow will turn to happiness"
“No one can know sincere happiness without first having known sorrow. One can never appreciate the enormity and rareness of such a fiery bliss without seeing misery, however unfair that may be.”
This book was an amazing journey, the characters you meet are so beautiful, the message portrayed opens up your mind and opens up your heart making it ache so much. This book bought me sadness, tears, but it bought me happiness, and gave me hope. And I recommend this book to all of you out there, read this book. Read it with an open mind and an open heart and I promise you it will leave you a changed person.
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